
Familiarity with Open Source Tools

We asked respondents how familiar they are with the concepts of open source…

Examples of open source software include Python and git

Arduino boards are an example of open source hardware

Khan Academy and MIT OpenCourseWare are examples of open source educational materials.

What Open Source Tools Do Respondents Use?

84% of respondents identified open source tools that are key in their workflows or their fields.

Tools respondents identified included:

Note that these are respondents’ answers so not all tools may actually be open-source tools.

How Are Respondents Using University-Provided Licensed Software?

We asked respondents which university-provided licensed software they use that are available in the university’s software library.

Usage of Open Source Tools vs. Licensed Tools

Additionally, we asked respondents if they use open-source tools more than, as much as, or less than the licensed software provided by the university.